Let’s Learn Together
educate (v.)
mid-15c., educaten, (source also of Italian educare, Spanish educar, French éduquer), which is a frequentative of or otherwise related to educere "bring out, lead forth," from ex- "out."
We often hear of music lessons, voice lessons, piano classes and the like. While these methods are sound and have their place, we do things a bit differently than the traditional music class.
When we learn a language, we learn to put sounds to meaning (not the other way around), we learn to identify those sounds through symbols we call ‘letters,’ and then we learn to write those symbols. Later on we learn to combine those symbols, and start to make sense of the theory behind language.
Ladies and gentlemen, music is a language. Furthermore, mousic is an eternal and universal language, and our Kenshō approach draws from this perspective. Our goal is not to indoctrinate you with theory and ideas that exist in the world, but it is our goal to bring out of you that which is already in you to create your own world. Along the way we’ll show you ways to communicate what is in you, and how to understand music from your own unique perspective.
This is the way we educate, it is the
way we truly elevate, and together,
we can evolve.
Kenshō University and Kenshō Academy will open soon!
For now, book a one-on-one session with Dont’e Carr