Event Logistics Please complete each field of this form as they are all necessary in our booking process. Project Name * Please reenter the event name as the project name. Venue Name * Venue Location * Please specify the address of the event. Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Stage Location * Please specify the exact location of the performance area. Event Time Start * Hour Minute Second AM PM Event Time End * Hour Minute Second AM PM Time Slot * Please specify [in minutes] the allotted time for a set. Second Time Slot * Please specify [in minutes] the allotted time for a second set. Timeline * Please provide the timeline for this show, including names of anticipated acts, and resources that may be needed. Number of Background Vocalists * Please indicate the number of BGV's you are able and requesting to accommodate. 0 3 6 9 12 Other Band Setup * Please customize the band size you are requesting. Drummer Drummer (Secondary) Bassist Pianist/Keyboardist Organist/Keyboardist Auxiliary Keyboardist Electric Guitarist Electric Guitarist (Secondary) Acoustic Guitarist Acoustic Guitarist (Secondary) 3-Piece Horns 5-Piece Horns 8-Piece Horns Attire * Urban Casual Smart Casual Business Casual Business Formal Formal Anticipated Attendance * How many people are you planning for? Venue Capacity * How many people can the venue hold? Admission Fee * Please specify the fee for admission. If the event is free, type "0" $ Expenses paid by Organization/Promoter * Select all that apply Performance Fee Honorarium Hotel Air Travel Ground Transportation Meals Thank you! We will be in touch soon with a technical rider based on your requests here. Click here to go home